Brethren, This is the day the Lord has made and we rejoice and be glad in it. Joy comes from God; He is giving it to you today in abundance. We are living in the world that joy has become very difficult in the lives of many. The reason is because of where they placed their life’s priorities or trust. Some people only rejoice when they have some level of accomplishment or success. Such joy is always temporary. What of the days success is far away? What happens to you that period? Will you rejoice as the day you had success? Life lays ambush to people every day. Only in God can one truly trust and rely upon. We are living in a world of uncertainty. Wisdom says it is better to rely and trust in the God that is firm all the time. No one knows the complete picture of what is ahead of him. But God knows all. He knows what will happen to you tomorrow. He has planned for your success, victory, healing, prosperity, peace, health and everything life demands. You need to get closer to Him. You cannot win the battle of life without the help of God. Battle is inevitable. It comes to everyone. Sometimes, it comes when it is not expected. But in all, “those that trust in God are like mountain Zion which cannot be moved”. Where do you put your trust?, In God? What are you trusting God for? What kind of challenge are you facing?. Remember, God is the God of victory and He wants you to have victory and win and keep winning. Victory increases our joy. When you turn your life to God and trust in Him, rejoicing becomes a natural thing. You will no longer depend on those external things that majority depend upon to be joyful. When your joy comes from the fact that God loves you and have a good plans for your life, then every day becomes a joyful day despite whatever life and devil may throw on your path. Look beyond the natural realm and focuses on God’s love and plans for your life. Your joy is back.