
Brethren,  God has invited you to bless you. Blessings of God comes in different forms. Our lives are determined by the level of blessings we receive from the Lord. Life is a wonderful blessing from God. Man was created to serve God and take care of the earth. You have a place in this earth. Your impact matters. Your being alive today is not by coincidence. You have things to offer to humanity.  The moment you connect to God and seek Him, your eyes of understanding will be open. Your knowledge about life is broadened. Your perception changes. You begin to realize the value of being alive. Your level of thinking increases. Your pursuit of life gets  better. You should not allow your obstacles, disadvantage and misfortunes of the past to define you. There is an opportunity for you. Look for those opportunities and take them. Do something with your life. Don’t be waiting for God. God is saying ” He is waiting for you to act”. Grace has been poured upon you. Your destiny is in your hand. The pity-party has to stop. It is the time of reality. Don’t play with your destiny. Be serious and take the necessary steps. It may not be easy but it is not impossible. You have great potential and ability deposited inside of you. Wherever you are, you have something to make your life better. It may not look big as you want but it is enough to get started. Start now. Learn from others. Press on. Put a fighting spirit. Refuse to be a mediocre. There is a trophy waiting for you in own your area. People are waiting to congratulate you. It won’t happen unless you rise up and move. Continue in prayer and also it’s time to act. Life is beautiful depending on  the side you’re looking from. You are the next person to celebrate prosperity and good success .A very big congratulation to you as you rise up in the Power of God to confront your challenges. God will continue to fill you with His Holy Spirit.