
Friend, We thank God the Father who gave us life and enable us to come and fellowship with Him. God is in the midst of His people. He always demonstrate His presence through various means such as salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration, breakthrough and supernatural touch and change of lives. Your needs are well known to God, your challenges, purpose, dreams and desires. God want to help you accomplish them. But more importantly, He want relationship with you. The good God whom we are standing in His presence love you and has done some good things in your life that deserve praises, appreciation, adoration and worship. Think of how good He has been to you. He will release more upon you as you open your heart and mind in seeking Him. God has prepared great blessings for you today. God has chosen you to be among those that will experience and enjoy His tremendous blessings this month. Give God a chance to change you, help you, heal you and perform His might and strange work that will lift up into the realms of glory and honour. As you honour God, God will honour you. You are in for a better life, change and a new dimension of victory, prosperity, sound health, peace, wholeness and transformation in all areas of life. A time spent in the presence of God is not a waste. God want to beautify your life more. You must press on in life. You were created for a high height. You must work towards it. It doesn’t come by chance or luck. It is God’s blessing that makes one rich. That blessing is already upon your life, but you have work hard with wisdom to realize it. The power of God will turn you into a person of great innovation, wisdom, accomplishment, integrity, strength, might, honesty, courageous and impact.