
Beloved, A call for service is a call for empowerment and supernatural delivery. God created you for glory; not for shame and disgrace. God want to unleash His blessings on you so that you will be a blessing to your generation. “The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the righteous” as the scripture says. The righteous is the one who has committed His life to Jesus Christ and received the Grace to live for Him. God is change lives to become relevant and productive. He does miracles. If it weren’t for miracles, we wouldn’t grow to the point where we could walk in the blessings of God. Miracle is important. Miracle is God’s supernatural intervention in crises time. God doesn’t want to live from crises to crises. Therefore, He is changing people’s level from miracle to blessing. With God’s blessing upon a person’s life, you can be a great achiever and a blessing to your generation. The Lord is searching for those whom is ready and willing  to be blessed and be a blessing to others. God is looking for people who will become solution. Those  “who make things happen and not those who are waiting for things to happen”.It calls for a change of mind-set from self-centeredness to people-centeredness”  Christianity is a life empowered by God ready to effect positive changes in our societyCan you accept to be one that God would bless to be a blessing? It takes your hunger, desire, willingness, obedience, faithfulness and genuine relationship with the Almighty God. God is closer to you than you think. He is a Spirit and He is everywhere. Right where you are now, you can connect to Him. You can call on Him and He will answer you. He want to step into your life and bring a lasting and positive change. You need to surrender your life and every other thing to Him, then expect Him to take it up from there and turn your ashes to beauty. It takes a simple faith in God for situation to change. Yours will change today. It is not hard for God to do. Expect His wonders.