How To Update The Website

(You can always click the image to zoom)

1. Prepare the images

1. It’s important to prepare the images FIRST. Go to
2. Search and prepare images for Month’s theme and Welcome posts
 Resize to 457 x 337 pixels and save to your local drive
 (use FREE to edit the photos )
 a. save the file as month2020.jpg  (for Month theme) – ex. feb2020.jpg
 b. save the file as month2020.jpg (for Welcome)  ex. feb-2020.jpg. Note:the hyphen 

2. Create the Posts

1. Login to (requires login account)
2. Go to Posts, click ADD NEW to create Month’s Theme post FIRST then the Welcome post. DO NOT Overwrite any existing post. The next screen shows blank post where you put the Title, Text, Category and Image.

Create the Month Theme post

2. Enter  the Title
3. Enter the Body Text
3. Select Month Theme Category
4. Insert the image 
5. Publish 

Create the Welcome post

1. ADD NEW, don’t overwrite
2. Enter  the Title
3. Enter the Body text
4. Select Welcome Category
5. Insert image 
5. Publish 

a. How to upload the image

Upload the image you prepared

  1. At the bottom right corner, click Set Featured Image
  2. Click Upload Files
  3.  Click Select Files, 
  4. A Window will pop up to display the folders. navigate to find the image and click the filename once you found it.
  5. Image will appear 

3. Rename the Permalink of the Welcome post

1. Go to Post section
2. Select the Welcome post
3. Click Permalink Edit button and rename from welcome to month-year-welcome (ex. feb-2020-welcome)

4. Update the Monthly Activities post

1. Go to Post section
2. Scroll down the bottom of the list and open Monthly Activiites or Search the post. 
3. Overwrite the content 
      A. ctrl-A to highlight all the text (PC)
      B. copy/paste the text from your prepared Word document
4. Press Update

That’s It!…Make sure to press F5 when viewing on the browser.