
Dear Brethren, The church of Jesus Christ is coming on a power frequencies into the realm of beauty and glory. It is time when the church take the stage causing undeniable waves that will attract even doubters and haters of God to His kingdom. Those who are correctly positioned in God will become centres of attraction on earth. The Word of God is the Truth.  Every truth carries some profit. Truth is the rod of God in doing signs and wonders. There is no ease outside the truth. Intelligence that is void of truth is mischievous madness. Everything that will work will begin with acknowledgment of the almighty God.  Praise and thanksgiving to God is one of the missing axe-head that is making many Christians struggle through life. It is time we take pleasure in blessing the Lord for His wonderful works and goodness in our lives. It a great weapon in hands of a believer to dislodge and finish-off the enemy. It is a great instrument in tangible presence of God. There are unseen battles staged against you,  several disasters, mayhem, deaths, conspiracy and other wicked attacks the Lord of Host dislodged and prevented them from getting to you. The awesome love, mercy, grace, goodness, kindness and blessings the Lord extended to you were undeniable and praise worthy. To take God for granted is to be grounded. Those who murmur and complain against God never know and understand the Loving God who gave us everything to enjoy. When you stop appreciating God, you start depreciating. Almost all the  outstanding miracles in the Bible were direct products of Praise and Thanksgiving to God. When you pray, God answers, but when you Praise, God steps in, in His glory, might and power. When you thank God for what He has done, He will release to you things you do not have. God is faithful and He kept His promises all the time. He loaded you daily with His benefits. The scripture in Psalm 103:1-5 clearly stated God’s goodness toward you. For anything to  will multiply, God must be gracefully acknowledged. Whatever you thank God for will always increase. Look beyond what you think you don’t have and begin to thank God for what you have. There is great hope for you. Have the attitude of gratefulness. If you want your Lazarus to come back to life, your wilderness to turn to green vegetation,  divine intervention in your trouble and to enjoy unending blessing; you must bless the Lord at all things and His praises should always be in your mouth. Take your eyes off your needs and focus on God with a heart of gratitude, acknowledgment and Thanksgiving to God, and you will experience the continuous flow of the  wonders of the Loving God in your life.