Month of Walking in The Fear Of God

Gen 42:18, Ex 1:17, Lev 19:32, Deut 6:2, Josh 24:14, 2 Kings 17:39, Prov 1:7, 8:13, 9:10, 13:13, Job 1:1, 28:28, Eccl 12:13,  Isa 11:2-3, Mal 3:16-18, 4:2, Acts 9:31. The fear of God is what gives rise to Christian exploits. It is what enable one to fulfil His God-given destiny. The fear of God is the hall-mark of life of overflowing blessing. How can you say, you love God without having and walking in His fear. To fear God is to reverence Him. It is to make His Word your way of life. It is to obey His instructions. Only those who walk in the fear of God operate in the supernatural Wisdom of God. Wisdom is profitable for direction. Since wisdom is the principal thing, it then means that the  fear of God is what give birth to wisdom. Wisdom promoted Solomon to the realm of honour, glory, fame and the wealthiest man in his days. It takes the fear of God to overcome evil and live a peaceful life. To fear God is to hate evil and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness. The fear of God is what give beauty to life and enables one to enjoy the benefits of salvation. It’s your turn to shine. The world, Satan, sickness, disease, poverty, failure and all evils will not fear you until your fear of God is in place. It is the fear of God that gives you your place on the earth. When the church walk in the fear of God they will overturn mountains by the roots, convert obstacles to miracles, stop every form of wickedness and flourish in the midst of hardship, stand different and won many sous into the kingdom of God. The fear of God guarantees God’s presence. Nothing is more valuable in your Christian adventure than the divine presence of God. It is the greatest asset of a Christian. Walking in the fear of God is the price to pay for it.  The Spirit of the fear of God is coming upon your life today. It is the Spirit of the fear of God that will enable you to walk in the fear of God. The Spirit of the fear of God is what gives birth to the spirit of knowledge. Knowledge then brings you into might which is inner strength.