Month of Thanksgiving

Lev 22:29, Neh 12:46, Ps 50:14, 100:1-5, Jer 30:19, Amos 4:5, Jonah 2:9, Phil 4:6-8, Col 3:17, 1 Thess 5:18, Heb 13:15-16.  Giving of thanks is an appreciation and recognition of what God has done in your life. God has done so much for you this year. He never leave nor forsake you. He has been with you in all your situation and circumstances and He is still with you and will continue to be with you performing wonders in your life. He led you beside the still waters. He kept you by His power. He blessed you with life, peace, joy, ideas, innovation, family, relationship, health, strength and all the good things you experienced this year. When the going was tough for you, His Spirit comforted you and enable you to overcome it. He prevented enemies weapons directed toward you to miss their targets. He prepared a table of provision before you. He made you to overcome the storms and winds that came to your direction.  You might say, I did not achieve much this year, it’s not true, God preserved your life. Your brain is functioning well, your eyes could see, your ears can hear, you breath in oxygen and released carbon dioxide and your body parts are functioning. You made some level of progress. God has been good to you. This is the season to appreciate God’s loving kindness and tender mercies to you and your loved ones. Thanking God should be a natural thing to all people. We have set out this season  to come together and thank Him. Think well and you will bless the Lord. A rich and great person is a person who has cultivated an attitude of thankfulness. We are not thanking God because we did not have troubles rather we’re thanking God for His intervention in our challenges and troubles. Thanksgiving is an expression of thanks, gratitude, appreciation, a day set aside for giving thanks and public celebration in acknowledgement of divine favor or kindness.  It is giving glory to God for His mighty deeds. Thanksgiving is not what we do one time. It should be a way of life to all believers. It guarantees the continuous flow of unending blessing and God’s intervention. Thanksgiving is an Attitude of giving thanks in all seasons. Practice thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is something we should do from our heart of gratitude. . It is an aroma that attacks God’s Attention. It’s one of the vital keys in the school of victory. Thank you Lord.