Month of Prosperity and Success

Gen 39:2-3, Deut 29:9, Jos 1:1-8, Job 36:11 3, John 2, Psalm 1 :3, Jos 1:7-8, 2 Chr 26:5, Zech 1:17. 

Prosperity and success is possible if we serve, fear, obey and apply God’s principles. Any life void of prosperity and continuous success is in great danger. Life is meant to be prosperous. Prosperity is one of the barges or hallmark of a Christian. We are  redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ to exemplify what the kingdom of God is like on earth. God wants His children to be prosperous. Prosperity is inclusive in Christ redemptive work. Everything about God reveals Prosperity and wealth. It is a condition of having an all- round peace. Prosperity is to be complete in Christ. It connotes a state of abundance, wealth and riches. It represents Plenty and affluence. Prosperity is a state of all sufficiency, well-being, the capacity  where you have more than enough resources to solve or meet not just your personal needs or those of your family members but to help other people as well.

Poverty does not glorify God. The only thing poverty brings is insult, frustration, stagnation and destruction. The permanent cure for poverty is Prosperity. Prosperity and  good success are what God promised us, if we obey and serve Him. As long as we serve, fear and obey God, we will enjoy life of prosperity and success  God want you to enjoy those good things. Success is better and stronger than defeat. Prosperity is stronger than poverty. Success is based upon verifiable proof. Those who serve God are promised prosperity. Prosperity is making progress in your life.

Success is thriving irrespective of any situation. The power of God upon a man enables him to advance and make consistent progress. Success is one of the heritage of God’s people. It’s your time to enjoy this heritage that will exemplify the faithfulness of God. Your time of having good success is now. Learn to enjoy constant flow of success. Prosperity is good.