Month of Praise and Thanksgiving

1 Chr 23:30 , 29:13 Psalm 35:18 , 67:1-7 , 149:1-9, 113:1-4 Amos 4:5 Jonah 2:9  Isaiah 12:4-5 Jer 30:19  Col 1:12, 4:2 1 Thess 5:18. Praise and thanksgiving is a strong and undefeated weapon in the hands of a believer in Christ in seeing victories in every battle. Thanksgiving is an attitude of appreciation and gratitude to God for something He has done. Only a thankful heart can praise God. The sign of a living Christian is a quality and continous praise, worship and thanksgiving to God. God takes pleasure in the praises of His People. The awesome presence of God is mostly seen in the praises, worship and thanksgiving of His people. Thanking God for all things and in all things is an acknowledgment and appreciation. Praise brings blessings, thanksgiving seals it.  It is time to appreciate His awesome goodness in your life. Where there is  genuine Praise and worship, there you will see the awesome presence of God and the wonders of His power. It is a major secret to a colourful life. Praise and Thanksgiving is an inner condition of the heart that displays itself outwardly. God has done so much for you. It has been the Lord that supplied your needs, preserved you, kept you alive, protected you,  gave you strength, wisdom, ideas, innovation, favour, connection and all other good things that happened to you. God deserves all of our praises. Give thanks to God. A winning Christian is a praising one. Praise God