Month of Lifting, Promotion and Exaltation

1 Sam 2:10 Psalm 75:6-7 ,92:10 Job 5:11, 22:29 Dan 3:30 Lk 14:11 Phil 2:8-11  James 4:6,10 , 1 Pet 5:5-7 Heb 6:10

God is the lifter and promoter of men. In every labour there is a reward. Promotion is not for everyone but for those who deserve and merit it. Every boss knows who and when a person is due for promotion. Promotion is a change of level. It is an honour and a reward accorded to a faithful, industrious and committed worker. It comes as a result of your input in the organisation. Even in the kingdom of God, there is promotion or lifting for those who qualify for it. It takes diligent, loyalty, humility, dedication, commitmment and faithfulness to enjoy promotion. God is the greater reward. He rewards those who are due. There is  lifting that is waiting for anyone that would walk with God. If an ungodly man can promote his good workers what about the righteous God who cannot withhold any good thing like promotion for those that walk in uprightness. Clear examples in the Bible have shown that God rewards people and lifts people up. One of humility’s dominant characteristics is God-dependency and not self-sufficiency. You were created for a high place. God is the lifter of men and He will lift you beyond your imagination as you commit to Him.  There is also a lifting for those who are cast down. When God lifts one up, he needs to stay humble in order to continue to enjoy God’s promotion. In this season of lifting, promotion and exaltaion, you shall not be left behind. You will be lifted up beyond your imagination.