Month of Fruitfulness and Flourishing

Gen 1:28 Ex 1:7Ps72:7,92:12-15 Pro11:30, 14:11 Ezek 17:23-24 John 15:8 Gal 5:22-23 Col 1:10  Every tree is known by its fruit. Fruitfulness is a sign of life. God the Father is the gardener  and He desire us to be fruitful. Without fruit, the labour and effort is frustrating. In Christ, we are called and empowered to bear both spiritual fruit and physical fruit. There are many ways believers in Christ can be fruitful. True fruitfulness begins in the heart with the fruit of the Spirit. That inner fruit affects outward actions; our words and our activities will glorify the Lord, and God’s will is accomplished. God’s desire is to transform us into the image of Christ  and make us as fruitful as He was. In our allegiance to Him, we want to be characterized by good works such as humility, love, kindness, mercy,  forgiveness and holiness. The result of spiritual and physical  fruitfulness is that God is glorified, we grow, and others come to know Christ—this is the ultimate fruitfulness for a child of God. Not only do we bear fruit but also that our lives will flourish. Fruitfulness and flourishing life characterize a believer in Christ. The Power of God will deliver the non fruit-bearing christians and prune those bearing fruit to produce much fruit. Flourishing will become a life-style that will  examplify a believer. The days of barreness is over. It is now your time to show-case God’s giving life in you through fruitfulness and flourishing. Theses are the days of Christians to be  fruitful and flourishing in every area of  life. You will partake in it. You will not be left behind. The Power of God is at work in you. Believe that with God all things are possible.