Month of Double Honour

God is the God of honour. There is no true honour that does not have its source from God. Honour is so important to God that God crowned man with honour and glory. The Bible speaks a lot about honour. Anyone who has followed God and served Him was rewarded with honour. Honour begets honour. How can anyone or community or  society dishonour God and expect to enjoy honour from God. Honour in the Bible means to value, esteem, honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions. The Bible urges human beings to honour God and give Him glory due unto Him. Are you honouring God?  We should honour God in every area of our life: our actions and words. We need also to honour our fellow human beings, parents and  leaders. How we honour others is a reflection of how we honour God. God honours us for honouring others. The Bible says it clearly “ If anyone serves me, the Father will honour him” (John 12:26). As we honour God, He honours us, but He may not honour us in ways that the world would consider to be honour such as status, wealth, and recognition. Honour is a reward for our righteous living, humility, and faithfulness to God. God sees our honourable living and will reward us in His timing: “The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honour and life” {Proverbs 22:4). Honour God.