Month of Divine Visitation

Gen 21:1-2 Exo 4:31 Job 10:12 Jer 10:15, 23:10-12 Ruth 1:6  Lk 1:68,78-79, 7:16, 19:44, Matt 1:21, 1 Pet 2:12  God’s divine visitation is always with a purpose of freedom to the oppressed and justice to the wicked. God’s divine visitation on earth in human form, born of Virgin Mary, called Jesus is for the freedom of all human race. His divine visitation brought goodwill, gladness and salvation to man. It’s a season of celebrating the birth of the only Savior of mankind in the person of Jesus Christ. God has come down to save us. Salvation belongs to God. Divine visitation brings heaven down and overrules the powers of the enemy at work in our situation, opening the floodgates of heaven to bring down blessings that money cannot buy, nor human influence guarantee. When God visits, supernatural things happens. Things never remain the same. Divine visitation is the game-changer. It leaves an undeniable witness. All you need in you difficult situation is God’s visitation. When that happens prophesies are fulfilled, great things happens, lives changes, miracles are born, healings takes place, bondages are broken, affliction ends, light shines in the dark, restoration is visible, victory takes over defeat, sorrow is turn to joy, laughter becomes the order of the day and the darkness is subdued that gives way to a glorious light. In this season of divine visitation your story will change. You’ll end this year stronger than you begin. Jesus is Lord.