Month Of Divine Visitation & Salvation

 Job 10:12, Hos 9:7, Psalm 8:4, Exo 14:13, 2 Sam 22:47, Ps 3:8, 68:20,  Isa 9:6-8, Micah 7:7, Hab 3:17-19, Act 4:12, Lk 1:68, 78 God’s divine visitation has brought redemption and salvation to all humanity. It was an act of God’s mercy, grace and love. The expression and extent of God’s love is  shown by the fact that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ through the conception of a virgin  called Mary by  the power of the Holy Spirit, when she believed the word of Angel Gabriel that was sent to her.  It was an expression of His infinite love that He would be willing to give His unique Son for a race of rebel sinners. God’s  divine visitation on earth  brought salvation to all human race, peace and goodwill toward men. Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.  Jesus had made peace between man and God. Anyone can approach God now  because Jesus has done it all. One can enter into a loving and eternal relationship with God Almighty. Salvation is now possible to anyone that can place his faith on Jesus Christ. Jesus has become the savior of mankind. Jesus is the saviour of all humanity. Jesus was born to take away our sins, reconcile and restore us into a loving and eternal relationship with God, The Father. Salvation belongs to God. He has visited you through His Son Jesus Christ. You can receive all Jesus brought for you such as God’s  love, peace, joy, prosperity, eternal relationship and all blessings. Your salvation has come. Your blessings are available. Place your faith in Jesus.