Month of Divine Visitation of Our Saviour

Gen 21:1-3, 1 Sam 2:1-2 Psalm 18:1-3 Job 10:12 Isa  12:2 Micah 7:7 Hab 3:17-19  Matt 1:21 Lk 1:47, 68-80, 2:11 , 1 Tim 2:3 Acts 4:12   This is the time of the year when many in the world acknowledge and celebrate God’s divine Visitation to humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. The divine conception of Jesus Christ through the spoken word of God to a virgin called Mary and his birth at Bethlehem brought Salvation to all humanity. God came down in the likeness of sinful man to save the world He created and loved. The virgin birth of Jesus is a pivotal truth of God’s intervention in the affairs of men. Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.  Jesus had made peace between man and God. Anyone can approach God now without a sense of guilt because Jesus has done it all. One can enter into a loving and eternal relationship with God Almighty. Salvation is now possible to anyone that can place his faith on Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason for the season. Joy has come to the world. In this season of divine visitation, your miracle will be born, Joy unspeakable will fill your heart, restoration will take place, healing will manifest in your body, you will enjoy peace from God and divine provision. Jesus saves and He is still saving, healing, delivery, restoring and blessing today. This season of divine Visitation is a season of new birth of change for eternal glory. It’s the season to reflect on God’s love toward us. God has made peace with the man He created. Jesus is the gift of God to the world. The world will experience the peace that have never know when they turned their heart toward God and receive the wonderful gift of God which is Jesus Christ our Lord. For unto us a child is born, and unto us  a child is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder. He is called the mighty one, King of kings and Lord of lords. Let the Jesus rule in your life and home and you will have joy and peace you never experience.