Month of Deliverance

The gospel cannot be complete without deliverance to the captives. Everyone need one form of deliverance or the other.  One of the prayers Jesus taught was “deliver us from evil”. Without deliverance, holiness and righteous living is difficult. Until deliverance is carried out, some may not live to fulfill the purpose of God for their lives. They may not enjoy abundant life salvation offers. Jesus sent His disciples into the world to preach the gospel  with a mandate that deliverance must be carried out to the captives. He came to set the captives free.   It is impossible to possess your possession without deliverance. This is because demonic powers are behind certain problems, troubles and hindrance. Not only that, people need to be delivered from their past, tradition, religion, belief, culture and all forms of negative influences that could jeopardize their success. Deliverance means  freedom and liberty from any kind of oppressions and bondages. When deliverance has taken place, it result to a life of holiness, victory and success. Battles are going on everywhere, in lives, families, communities and society. Are you bound, oppressed and hold to ransom? Jesus and His word will set you free.