Month of Deliverance and Healing

Obadiah 1:17, Exo 15:26, 2 Kings 9:15, Psalm 103:1-5, 107:20, Isa 53:4-5, Jeremiah 15:18, 30:16-17, 33: 6, Matt 4:23-24, 21:14,  Acts 10:38, Col 1:13-14,  3John 2, 1 Pet 2:24

God’s Will for everyone is to be delivered from satanic oppression and enjoy sound health. Health is the most costly thing in our world today. God knew that man will need healing, He provided the plants and other healing herbs for the healing of man right from the creation of the of the World. The medical department is overpowered today by the multitude of sickness and disease plaguing man. In all, it is God’s Will for us to be healed and enjoy sound health. Sickness could be an oppression of satan. God want us to be free from it. God hate any form of oppression whether it is by spirit or our fellow man. Those who are oppressed can not live up to their full potential. You can break that bondage and enjoy abundant life. Jesus came to set the captives free. Until one is freed, he cannot fulfil his goals. Where there is life, there is progress. Health is the most essential commodity in the world today. Many have money but are being ravaged by illness.  Health is wealth. How much can you live to your full potential if you are a victim of bad health. How happy can you be if one has become a burden to his people because of health matters. God knows how important the issue of health is and has made a promise to heal His people. Healing is a covenant right of a believer in Christ. Jesus is still healing today. He wants to heal you. He purchased healing for you. Health is the most important thing in a person’s life after salvation. Jesus died to deliver you from any form of oppression. Choose to be free. Surrender your life to Jesus. Follow Him and learn His teachings. Your freedom is determined by your knowledge in the loving Saviour Jesus Christ and