Month of Consecration and Sanctification

Ex 28:41, 32:29, Jos 3:5, 7:13, Prov 1:23, John 17:17, Rom 12:1-2, 2 Cor 6:17-18, 1 Thess 5:23, 1 Peter 1:16, Heb 2:11. A life truly surrendered to God is transformed and prepared for masters use. God want to change and use you as never before but your consecration is highly required. consecration means “the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God.” Consecration carries the connotation of sanctification, holiness, or purity. Consecration is a booster of power. Being consecrated is a critical component in our relationship to God. As you make a vow to go all the way with God this year in all Holiness,  obedience, honesty, faith, grace and purity, you will experience a higher level of spirituality and a visible and undeniable physical results. Anything that has marred and corrupted your destiny will give way.  Your beauty will emerge and your colorful destiny will be realized. Purity is the price for power and the requirement for the release of unction. Every Christian is required to consecrate his to the Lord in order to deepen his personal knowledge of Christ and grow strongly. Consecration is giving yourself to the Lord to become “a living sacrifice. This means we put ourselves completely in  God’s hands and allow Him to works on us. When we present ourselves to the Lord as a living sacrifice, we’re simply telling Him: “Lord Jesus, my life is for You. I no longer belong to myself, the world, or anything else. I’m here for You and for Your satisfaction.”. Consecration and sanctification are both processes believers must undergo for effective and efficient  serve to the Lord. Are you a believer in Christ? You have a glorious destiny that will impact your world. You are called for a high life in Christ. You are a lively stone and light to enlighten others. Whatever that have been obstructing your glorious destiny is taken off from you now, AMEN