Month of Celebrating our Saviour

Jesus is God’s perfect gift to the world. The loving God displayed His amazing love to all in sending His only begotten son; Jesus Christ the Lord into the world to save humanity from sin, satanic oppression and eternal separation from God. Jesus born of virgin Mary, lived sinless life, sacrificed His life on the cross for our reconciliation with God the Father. Therefore all who received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ are accepted into God’s family with rights and privileges of eternal life, sound health, prosperity, deliverance and glorious destiny . The birth of Jesus Christ was the incarnation of God Himself. In other words, the very God became a man. God came to earth in a human form for the ultimate purpose of man’s SALVATION in the person of Jesus Christ. We celebrate the birth of Christ because it reveals God’s amazing Love, Grace and Kindness. Christ is a wonderful gift of God to humanity, We should not only display God’s love through gifts, feasts, celebration and decorations but in receiving Christ into our hearts thereby sharing His love, peace, joy with families, friends and neighbours. It is Jesus’ birth that makes His death worth so special. It is a celebration of the heart. The Christ of Christmas is that gift to us. The birth of Jesus Christ was a necessity to give us all we may need to get through each day, without a drink, drug, nor a mind-bending medication, not chaos and bedlam, but actually “peace on earth and goodwill toward men. It’s the reason for the choirs carolling and the manger scene showing, the city decorated with Christmas lights. There is the beauty of Christmas when we share CHRIST with families, friends and neighbours. Christ is the reason for our Celebration.