
The goodness of the Lord has brought us into another year of divine agenda. God has good plan for your life. God loves and care for you. The answer to all problems can be found in God. It is time to look unto God. God has destined you to be above only because you are the righteousness of God.  As a member of the body of Christ, you the light that shines in darkness. The world is facing dark moments in history. There are a lot of agony, pain, suffering and chaos going on in our world today. They are looking for solution from all angle.  The solution can only be found in God. The church has a big role to play.  The manifold wisdom of God through the church will bring a solution. A little among us will become mighty. God is empowering His children for exploits. Our lives must reflect the Living Jesus who came to save us. You carry the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead.  People should say to you “what manner of man is this?” You are alive to impact your generation. You are a channel of God’s blessing. The Great one lives inside of you. It is time to arise and shine. God’s glory is risen upon you. You must take your place as a child of God. God has not given you the spirit of fear. You have been empowered with the spirit of love, power and a sound mind. Therefore, discover yourself and recover your birth right because you are peculiar and have a peculiar mission on earth. This is the time to be strong in God. It is the time to rise up to prayer, God’s Word and dedication. As the righteousness of God, you will flourish in the midst of all these situation. Every step you will take will be ordered by the Lord. God’s wisdom through ideas, innovation, discipline, mental exploit, holy living will showcase you. God will keep you in His perfect peace. Worry, fear, anxiety and all forms of evil will be far away from you. The Grace for progress is released upon you. Divine wisdom will keep you above all situation. Your prayers will be answered. God will protect you and your loved ones. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. You shall be strong in  faith giving glory to God. Grace will abound toward you in all circumstances. Great doors of favour will lift you high. The Grace to arise above your challenges and have enjoy victory rest upon you, You will enjoy fresh health. Your commitment, service, love, faith and dedication toward God and His kingdom will lift you from prison to palace. With the power of God upon your life, great things shall happen.