
God’s Grace has given us life and enabled us to enter into this year 2021. God has good plans for you. He want you to know what that plan is and fulfil it. As Christians, we are called to seek God with our hearts and minds. Seeking God is asking God what would you want me to do? . What is your program for me?. It is asking God’s guidance and wisdom. It is letting Him to step into your affairs and glorify His name. Life is a journey. Things happens in a journey . When you follow the one that knows the way, the journey becomes easy. God knows the right way to follow. God is closer to you than anyone else. He wants the best for you. His desire is for you to walk in His ways and have the best He planned for you. He knows your dreams, aspiration, desire, shortcomings, challenges, pain, struggles and cries. You can never be forsaken by God. Be committed to Him. Make plans and bring them to Him. Walk with Him. Let His Spirit influence your decision and overshadow your life. Allow God to be in control of your life. He will give you wisdom, innovation, strength, new ideas and courage to match on. He will give you direction. He will keep you in His perfect peace, if your mind and heart will stay in Him. Don’t allow worry, stress, unreasonable thinking and pressure into your life. Stay strong. Stay courageous. Be discipline. Be fervent in serving God, Be diligent and work with wisdom. Grace of God will help you. Be happy that you have God. Value your eternal life and keep pressing on. Pray to your God and trust Him to answer your prayers. Rejoice in Him. Whatever you have lost in the past years, don’t stick your mind to it. Your life is more important than whatever you lost. Thank God that you are alive, “A living dog is better than a dead lion”. Believe God for restoration. Hope in God. Make yourself a channel of God’s blessing to others. Be committed to God and follow after righteousness and holy living. The God of Grace is with you. You shall laugh better. Be of good cheer. God will keep you in His peace.