
Brethren, you’re welcome to the fellowship of God’s children in praise, honour and adoration of our God. Christ is the platform upon which we stand. Christianity should not be mistaken for a religion. It is a manifestation of the supernatural. The kingdom of God is not a kingdom of theology; it is a kingdom of power. God wants to pour His blessing upon people therefore He set local churches as medium. We are created for community, fashioned for fellowship and formed for a family and none of us can fulfil God’s purposes by ourselves. God is doing amazing things in His church that even the enemies of God are surrendering their arms; lives are being restored and transformed. Momentum has been gathering from far and near, signs and wonders are exploding everywhere. The church is taking her rightful position. Christianity now holds the solution for the world’s crises. The saints of God who have accepted the responsibility of pressing on are manifesting God’s power in various dimensions. You were created for signs, not for sighs; you were created to be envied, not to be pitied. You were created for glory, not for shame; you were created for beauty, not for ashes. Your position is however not decided by God, but by your Faith in Christ.  We have heard of the Acts of the Apostles, now it is time for the acts of the Church. God is not only performing wonders through the hands of the pastors and apostles but through the hands of every member of the body of Christ who dedicated himself for God’s use. In this month of fresh anointing you will be filled with the power from on high for triumphant living. You will experience supernatural power and wonders of God in your life in Jesus mighty name;. Welcome into the fulfilment of your destiny. Your shall shine brighter.