Gen 30:43 Deut 1:10-11 Job 1:10 , 1 Chr 27:23 Psalm 107:38, 115:13-15 Pr 1:5 28:1-4, 14:28, 24:5, Isa 30:23, 40:29, 51:2, Zach 8:12, Lk 2:52, Acts 16:5, 1 Cor 3:5-8, 1 Thess 3:12 . The Bible is full of God’s promises which includes “increase”. Life was not meant to be static. Not only has God promised His people Spiritual Increase but also increase in every area of their lives. The joy of labour is to see increase. You may have put a lot of energy, time and resources in trying to accomplish something good, but the reverse has always been the case. Or you have made some progress but you want an increase. God wants you to increase, be successful and great in life. Increase means to become great in quantity, to grow, extend, lengthen, enlarge, thrive, spread and advance in value and become better.  In this year 2023, the God who brings increase will give you an increase of harvest in all your labours. God will increase you beyond measure and your widest dream. There shall be supernatural increase happening in every area of your life this year. The days of stagnation is over. Your life will go with a testimony of increase this year. No more shall you Labour be in vain. Your harvest of many years of labour and effort will be explosive. This increase will convert you from being a survivor to an established and wealthy person. It will terminate sorrow, end shame and put you into the realms of honour and unending joy. You will be a helper to the needy, hope to the poor, voice to the oppressed, comfort to those who mourn and deliverer to the afflicted. The Holy Spirit will perform wonders in you and through you. You will be a force that cannot be ignored. The ground before you will be like the land of Eden. Darkness will flee at your appearance. Your light will shine continually and the glory of the Lord will be seen on you.