2022: Year of “Arise and Shine”

Deut 10:11, Eccl 1: 5, Neh 2:18,20, Psalm 112:4, Isa 2:19, 60:1-3, Mic 2:10, Jonah 3:2-3, Ezra 10:4, Matt 8:15, 27:52, Acts 9:18, 34, 39 .

The sun must arise before it shines to give life and beauty to creation. When the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the surface of of the deep, the Lord had to arise and spoke the Word that brought light and all the creation. The scriptures said that God must arise for His enemies to scatter. You as a child of God, must arise and take your place. You must arise and occupy. You must not sit down and watch things go wrong in your life and family. There was a plague in Israel but Phinehas had to arise in the power of God and stop the plague. Deborah, a prophetess in Israel had to arise and God used her to deliver Israel from the hands of the Midianites . Esther had to arise in Shushan to bring deliverance to Israelites when Haman wanted to destroy them. Until you arise, you cannot shine. When you stand up to your authority in Christ Jesus, your enemies will turn back from you. Jesus had to arise from the dead to become the Saviour of mankind. You too must arise to glory, power, authority and occupy your place in God’s kingdom. In this year of ARISE AND SHINE, your victory will be unquestionable, captivity will be destroyed, curses will turn to blessings, your beauty will emerge, your life will be a testimony to God’s power of salvation. You shall no more suffer in the hands of your enemy again. You must arise to change things. You must arise to build. God is waiting for you to act. You must get up from that unfruitful life, disappointment, fear, bondage and enjoy the beauty of your Salvation in Christ. The glory of the Lord is risen upon you. It is your time to arise and shine in all areas because you light has come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon you.