
Brethren, welcome to the days of unending praise and overflowing thanksgiving. The church of God is coming back to the realms of power praise that will break the chains of the prisoners and guarantee their freedom. Time of praise and thanksgiving is a time of strange encounter and act of God. You shall not miss your place where your encounter with God through a weapon of praise and Thanksgiving will result to a life of unending breakthrough. One of the greatest joy of any Christian  is to be placed into the kingdom of God as sons and daughters of the Most High God. We are all precious and special in the eyes of the Almighty God. We are born into the kingdom of God for prominence, exploits and dignity. Jesus promised that the Church would do greater works than He did. The Church of God is coming back to glory. We are in the golden age of the church. The church will constitute and become the center of  attraction on earth. God will lift up the church that will compel the world to seek help from the church. There will be men and women of unquestionable dominion. They shall be army to be envied by nations. Nations will identify and respect her. There shall be Elijahs deciding the destinies of nations. The church of Jesus Christ is coming on a power frequency into the  realms of beauty, honour, glory, dominion and excellence  that will surprise the world. We are heading to the days of the dominion of the saints of God endowed with the supernatural ability to confront oppositions with confidence. Each member of the body of Christ will make impact. They will realize that they are a city set upon a hill and cannot be hidden, light of the world that cannot afford to die in obscurity and the salt that will preserve the praises and glory of God. The church will take the stage. Whether as a priest in the temple, or a king in the palace, in ministry, business etc they will reign in the area where God have placed them. God will beautify His people and their beauty will be strong enough to attract multitudes into the kingdom of God. The praises and thanksgiving of the church shall be loud and clear. It will bring commotion in the camp of the enemy. Each one will be anointed with the power of praise that will bring down the  attention of heaven to earth. Righteousness will be the order of the day. Sin will no more be attractive to the church. You shall not be left out. Unusual Grace is coming upon you that will make you a wonder to the world.