
Beloved of God, count it a wonderful blessing that you have been invited by the Living, Loving and Strong God  to His presence just as you are without any strings attached to it. He love you and desires that you would have an intimate relationship with Him. Whatever your needs are, He is able to take care of it. But, He wants intimate relationship with you. When this righteous relationship is established, flourishing comes in place. The biblical view of flourishing stands apart from all others in that it provides not only a vision, but also the means by which a person can achieve & flourishing. Flourishing can be achieved because you receive something from outside of yourself which is  salvation imparted to you by God’s Holy Spirit, which restores your original relationship with the creator. Biblical flourishing is distinct from all other views because it is consciously made available to all people: men and women, children and adults, educated and illiterate, rich and poor, slave and free (Galatians 3:28). Within Christianity there is no “special” group of people that alone have access to flourishing. Christianity provides not merely a set of values or a vision that we should pursue and which thereby promises flourishing; it provides the heart cure and renewal in our souls that enables us to actually pursue and experience flourishing. This is good news indeed. Biblical flourishing encompasses all of our being, including  spiritual material, psychological and emotional aspects. The Lord through His mercy will work with you from where you are now to where you should be.