
Friend, welcome to the presence of God. What you need now is  an encounter with the TRUE GOD.  An encounter with God is the beginning of the realization of your God-given glorious destiny. Life can be miserable outside God. Your life is so important to God that He  sent Jesus to bless you. The road to have fellowship and relationship with the true God is open. It is through Jesus by receiving Him as your Lord and Saviour and be committed to Him. God is waiting for you. He wants to bless you. He is transmitting His goodness all the time. Whatever  your situation is, God can  help you and solve the problem. Problem discussed is problem solved. God has extended His hands of fellowship to you. Nothing is too hard for God to do. Your situation is not bigger than God. God wants you to have and enjoy abundant life of joy, health, success, peace etc. You can encounter God right where you are now. Tell Him to take over your life and battles. You will experience His Amazing Grace and love. His power will begin flow through you. You will be turned into a new person. Those who knew your failures will come and celebrate your success. Open your heart and let Jesus into come in. Commit your life to HIM. He will help you to achieve your life’s dream and bring satisfaction to your life. He will be with you all the time. He is the best friend you can ever have. He wants to deliver you from your mess and give you an new beginning. He will turn your ashes to beauty and give you a new song. He will fill your mouth with laughter. He will bring an end to your misery and affliction. Jesus is a waiting for you right now. The yokes, bondages, affliction and oppression militating against your life is crushed by the power of the Lord. Welcome to your new life of freedom in Christ Jesus.