
Brethren, You are welcome to the celebration of the king of kings and Lord of Lords, in the person of Jesus Christ. Life begins with Jesus. Jesus Christ is God sent rescuer of man in all the issues of life. Christ is the end of all crises. There is a glorious place for you in God. You must connect to God to secure your glorious destiny. As you connect to God and be part of His kingdom, He will show you the path of life. He will lead you out of that crises into a life of unending victory. God has the key for your life’s solution. Whatever you can do for yourself or anyone can do for you , God can do it better. You must belong to the kingdom of God where Christ is the ruler or your life will be messed up. This are the days of the latter rain the Bible spoke about. It is the time of the church. The church will be reigning in power and glory. It is a church ordained for dominion, power, honour and supernatural wealth. A little amongst us shall become mighty and strong. The shame of the church is being erased by the blood of Jesus Christ. There shall be double blessing for our shame. The multiplier God, the healer God, the provider God and the supernatural God is in His church doing miraculous things in the life of people. Expect the wonders of God in all areas of your life. Your case has come before the God of all creation. You shall no more remain the same. You shall no more be a laughing stock. The sage of stagnation and limitation in your life is declared over. The enemy cannot rob you again. The wisdom of God will begin to manifest mightily in you thereby bringing solutions to dark matters too difficult for the human mind. God is releasing His children into the fullness of their redemptive colour. You are destined for above only because you are the seed of the Righteousness of God. In this season of celebrating our Saviour Jesus Christ, you shall enjoy unending favour, a sound health, unexplainable abundance, supernatural lifting, divine solution, mind boggling breakthrough and a life higher than normal life. You will encounter the Light of Christ and darkness shall give way. It’s is your season of double honour, dumbfolding miracle and unstoppable triumph. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.